The Hard Reality Behind The Law of Attraction

law of attraction

I swear, the moment you become more engulfed in your thoughts, every week feels like you’re making strides in your consciousness.

I look back on where I used to be in terms of spirituality and I can’t even put into words how different it all feels in 2018.

In the moment, you always think you’re at the peak of your knowledge when just around the corner is another mind-blowing occurrence. This is why I recommend journaling almost daily – either in the morning or before bed. Your journals become a sort-of time capsule.

You can reference back to how you felt this time a year ago and you’ll be nothing but shocked. We don’t realize it as the days go by but we are constantly growing. We learn more about who we are and what we want daily.


Following your journal entries almost feels like reading a story.


You watch how every little event you documented changed the way you thought, the actions you took, and how it led you to the present moment.

And even if you don’t write it down, let me spill a universal truth for you. Regardless of how conscious of it we are, our current circumstances are the manifestations of our thoughts up until this point.

I’ve touched on the law of attraction before and thing is, a lot of spiritual teachers use it as this mechanism for getting what you want out of life. They fail to touch on the fact that it never stops – it isn’t a tool we can pick up when we want to manifest something. It’s the governing law of this universe.


Our mind creates thoughts to understand the physical reality around us. Our emotions tell us how much our higher self resonates with those thoughts.


If we feel good thinking a certain thought, we are aligned with our true nature. Therefore, per the law of attraction, we will attract more good-feeling thoughts which manifest into feel-good external experiences.

If a thought feels bad, we are out of alignment with that true nature. There’s nothing wrong with this. When this physical reality was created, it was designed to have us feel good and bad. Without recognizing a bad-feeling thought, we wouldn’t know the feeling of good.

When a bad thought arises or we’re unhappy in a situation, the idea was that by knowing we don’t like where we are, we’ll know more of what we do want. Then, our thoughts will focus on what we want and we’ll go in the direction of that.


Thing is, we’ve grown up believing that we are a victim of circumstances.


We have been led to believe that some things are simply out of our control hence when a negative event occurs, we resist it. We focus on how unfair or terrible we feel about it which ends up attracting more negative thoughts which leads to more negative circumstances.

It’s a spiral that has us questioning why nothing can ever work out for us permanently. It seems like the rug is always pulled out from under and we can never catch a break. We take the medications and use meditation or exercise as a healer but if you don’t heal the beliefs behind the thoughts, the same events will continue to reoccur.

This took me a long time to wrap my head around.

In my mind, if all of us were designed with this innate power, why is there so much terror in the world? How can the murderers, pedophiles, and corrupt politicians exist if we essentially live in a universe where we create our own reality? No one in their right mind would line up with getting murdered or sexually assaulted, so how the hell can that be explained away?


While we all have the power to be aligned with our higher selves and create what we want to see, not many of us believe it.


We came in to this reality through the eyes of universal truth. Adults see babies as these human beings that have so much potential when in reality the very act of being alive is their potential.

There is debate over whether we have free will or our path has already been laid out for us – both are true.

Our higher self enters this life through our body for a pre-determined purpose. It knows what it wants to gain from having this particular life experience.

When we are born, our higher self chose the specific environment we were being born into because it will benefit this newfound understanding.


However, as we grow up, our universal perspective becomes tainted.


While we may have known our purpose at birth, most parents see their children as balls of clay to be molded. Based on their own life experience, they teach and morph us into someone who is acceptable to society’s eyes. If we feel upset about this and our parents/other adults tell us we’re wrong to feel how we feel, we start to believe them.

Thus disconnecting ourselves from our emotional guidance system. We begin to not trust our emotions and from there, our original reason for coming down here gets lost. As Teal Swan would say, our emotions are the compass of our lives.

They always let us know if we are flowing with the course of our lives or trying to paddle upstream.

When we lose the ability to understand our emotions and therefore feel like a victim to them, we begin to shame ourselves for how we feel. We try to suppress them because they don’t feel good to feel. Then, we begin to blame the world around us for causing us to feel like shit.


Thing is, the only reason we are lining up with negative circumstances is because our thoughts are focused on the negative. We don’t feel bad because of our surroundings. Our surroundings came to be because we felt bad.


Instead of using our negative emotions as a sign we’re not doing what feels right to us and changing our focus, we succumb to them.

It’s how we line up with events like chronic illness or car accidents. If an illness is chronic, it is the result of chronic disconnect from our emotions and when an accident occurs, both drivers were a vibrational match to that accident.

If we’re referencing back to murderers, someone who murders is a person so far detached from their higher self that they use the act of killing to gain back control in their life. It aids the insecurity and suffering they feel inside. When it comes to pedophiles, they are those who are completely out of touch with their innocence. Their inner child, a part we all possess, feels so neglected that it is barely hanging on.


As controversial as it sounds, victims are a vibrational match to their perpetrators.


This is where people tend to get angry or defensive, so let me explain.

A person does not die in this lifetime without actually wanting to die in this physical existence. Their soul will continue to exist, but they no longer want to be attached to their current physical perspective.

Whether their higher self gained all it could from this perspective, the temporal self (the one we call by our name) becomes so disconnected from themselves that the only way to feel better is to leave this experience, their higher self believes they will be of more service if they’re not here physically, and so on.

It’s hard to understand how a five-year-old child or newly engaged woman could be murdered, but thing is, we do not know that soul’s perspective. All we know is what we can perceive and even then, we can still never be inside another’s mind.

I’m still trying to understand this because it is so far-fetched from what we’ve been led to believe, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Like I said earlier, our consciousness is always growing by the day.


It also gives me hope in knowing that those who are no longer with us physically live on in a way better suited for them.


Moving on, once we recognize these ‘bad’ people of society such as the murderers or pedophiles, we distance ourselves from them immediately.

We see them as monsters or ticks to remove from our planet. We show no empathy because we have been programmed to only align with the victim’s perspective.


But thing is, we are all victims of victims.


No one is ever hurting us. It is only the mirror of us projected through the vehicle of another human being. If we don’t understand why we are lining up with something, the reason most likely lies within our subconscious mind.

We are all extensions of the universe a.k.a. we are all one.

This is why when someone does a behavior that annoys us, we actually hold that same quality within ourselves. By recognizing it in another, our soul knows itself better.

If we lived in a reality of oneness, there would be no point for our existence on this planet. It’s the idea of separateness that excited our souls to begin with because through being separate, we can decide on our individual preferences and desires.


So, even though we appear separate, we are still one with each other.


We don’t want to see ourselves as a Larry Nassar or Ted Bundy of the world, but we have to understand that the very fact those names are in our experience means they are a vibrational match to us – which means there are parts of them that reside in us.

With Larry Nassar, he molested over 160 pre-teen to teenage girls on the U.S.A. gymnastics team – trying to see myself in him has been a struggle. However, as I said earlier, pedophiles are those who are deeply disconnected from their inner child. So, the fact that his name even made it into my life experience means there is a part of me that lines up with that.

It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially when it is difficult to find another who views this situation in the same way, but my hope is that in sharing this different perspective that someone can see the disconnect that lies here.


The thing about the law of attraction is that it is not empathetic. It is impartial.


It performs like a mirror in our lives and as we know, a mirror doesn’t show us things through an emotional lense. It simply shows us what is.

That is the main point I wanted to get across here today because there is a lot of misinformation when it comes to the law of attraction.


It can be used to manifest the things you desire, but it must also be recognized that even when you’re not consciously thinking about it, it is still in motion. It never shuts off.


If anything, let that be a reminder that when it feels like everything is falling to shit, change is absolutely possible. You are never trapped in any life circumstance. No matter what you have manifested up until this point, you have all the power in the world to change that.

Let it be known though that with manifestation, there is always a buffer time.

Think about it – if our thoughts instantly created our reality, a lot of us wouldn’t be alive long enough to experience anything. We’d cross the street, think about getting hit then boom, we’re dead. Never feel discouraged if it feels like you’re not getting what you want.

Remember, we don’t need to know how things are going to unfold. All we need to do is think about what we want, take action when it feels good to do so, and treat ourselves with care when we do experience negative emotion. Do not shame it – use it to figure out what led to the emotion and what would make you feel better in that moment.


One of the biggest roadblocks is when we create these elaborate plans for our lives and continue to follow them even when they don’t feel good to us anymore.


Life is not a plan to follow to find happiness. It is a moment-by-moment experience we partake in which feels good along the way because we aren’t looking for joy – we are living it.

Joy is not something in the future. If it is not now, it will never be because we can only line up with similar vibrational energies.

So, this leaves us with one truth: our only obligation is to follow our compass because as a result, the rest is already taken care of.

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