How to Follow Your Dreams When It Feels Unrealistic


As we grow older, the amount of times we’re told ‘no’ tends to skyrocket.

Our lives become a collage of the amount of times we’re told we can’t, shouldn’t, and most of all, ‘don’t bother trying.’

The idea of someone breaking the mold of this society has become nothing but terrifying to those around us. We’re brought up to believe in a certain model: get the education, get the job, find the partner, buy a house, have a kid or two, and live out your perfect existence. It’s tried-and-true and essentially the all-encompassing dream life that we’re all supposed to want.

So, when you crave a different path and venture off into the unknown, those around you are not only confused, but tend to lay a lot of their own projections on to you.


‘You can’t become a writer in this economy.’

But, that I can.


‘A job is a job – getting paid to do what you love is only a myth.’

Or so we think.


‘You need a degree to attain any kind of status or wealth in this society.’

Not sure I agree.


The thing is, we may have grown into a certain society, but that does not have to become our death sentence. We find ourselves only believing something can happen when there is evidence to back it up; however, how can we explain the times when everything works out for those not on the set path?

Those who let go of others’ expectations and trusted their intuition over all. Those who had an idea, ran with it, and ended up with a life far better than their logical mind could’ve ever anticipated.

I’m getting a little vague here, but here me out:


In this lifetime, we are all absolutely capable of everything we dream of accomplishing.


There is no one rightful career path nor a set way of living that applies to all; we are all divine souls that came down to experience a human existence. We came here for growth, expansion, and most of all, to have fun.

That may sound ridiculous due to the amount of societal conditioning we’ve experienced over the years, but fool you not, our purpose is to have fun in this lifetime. We are not here to be miserable. We are not here to wish for a better future whilst struggling to make it through the work week. We are here for joy.

Truth is, each of our souls has a purpose. We chose the human experience as our ultimate platform for further understanding of not only ourselves, but the world around us. We knew this would be the perfect assignment and territory we’ve never experienced up until this point.


We were a divine being before we entered this human existence and even though we are here now, that being never went away; our divine self still lives inside of us.


We see the world through the eyes of our physical self and experience sensations through our physical body, but in our mind, the divine self lives on. It’s the voice within us that nudges us towards the things we’ve come to love.

When we follow that inner voice, over time, we come to discover our passions; one might say we discover our purpose, at least in this lifetime.


So, when we are told ‘no’ or ‘we’re crazy’ for wanting to pursue the thing that lights us up most, know that the outside opinions are only that: opinions. The voices of those around you are only meant to be contrast in this physical experience.


If everyone around us was supportive or things always worked out in our favor, we would never know the difference between fear and joy. Love and hate. Good and bad.

Think of the ocean without any waves.

Sure, you may enjoy swimming around the steady current for a bit, but nothing beats the rush of riding an enormous wave you never saw coming. It knocks you over. You can barely catch your breath as you wash downstream.


Then, you’re up.


You’re alive. You take a deep breath and the rush subsides. It’s those moments of contrast and being turned upside down that bring us deep within ourselves. A steady current would have us wondering if it ever gets more exciting than this.

Despite what those around you believe, I encourage you to follow in pursuit of what lights you up.

The sport, the drawing, the acting, the writing – whatever it may be, do not simmer that part of you down for the comfort of another.

The moment you believe in those inner nudges and travel along the journey of your dreams, the outside world becomes a little less harsh.

You start to see those that doubt you as beings who have yet to awaken to their purpose themselves. They’re caught in the model, the ‘reality’ of life so-to-speak.

Let go of the anger you’ve built and instead, show compassion. Show love for those who cannot show it for themselves – they’re the ones who need it most.

Own your purpose. Own your path.

You were here to be brilliant, so let it be.