The Power of the Universe: How to Manifest Your Dream Life

The word is a force you cannot see, but you can see the manifestation of that force, the expression of the word, which is your own life. – Don Miguel Ruiz


There is nothing stronger than the power of the Universe; I’m learning that more and more by the day.

Most of this weekend, I sulked. I got out of bed, went through the motions of my morning routine, but alas, I felt lost. I got perpetually caught up in my head over how to spend my time which amounted to doing absolutely nothing with my time.

If you’ve read any of my recent posts, you’ll know I’ve been feeling lonely recently.

I don’t feel connected to people my age, I’m stressed over my day job, I know I should exercise more, the list could go on. All I can say is nothing has felt right recently.


Until today. 


Today, I woke up a little stressed.

I’ve spent most of this weekend moping so instead, I decided to actually put myself together. I wasn’t very mindful throughout the process, but at least I was getting ready, I thought.

I didn’t have much of a destination, but I ended up at Barnes and Noble – my own humble abode.

I flipped through dozens of books and landed on The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna.

The visuals were beautiful, the read was short, and I can always use some inspiration for continuing my writing craft. I bought the book, got some groceries at the market next store, then headed home.

When I got home, all the alignment I felt at Barnes and Noble was instantly gone.

I live with about six family members, two dogs, and roughly seven cats. It’s a full house to say the least.

I’ve lived here for almost three years and while I know my family cares for me, I finally realized how ready I am to take the next leap: moving out.


For the past year or so, I have full-on dreaded coming home. I’m introverted as hell and feel sensory-overload very easily; when I come home from a day of work, unfortunately, I’m automatically hit in the face with socializing, messy surroundings, and loud animals.

First world problems, I am well-aware. I know how privileged I am as a white woman in this country especially with a family that gives me a roof to live under. I don’t take it for granted, however, I know in my heart it is time to move on.

My heart desires a space to myself. A little one-bedroom or studio apartment decorated in all of my favorite things. A place to feel ease, comfort, and the serenity I’m lacking currently.

I know the moment I move out, my family relationships will become less strained. We won’t see each other constantly so when we do, we’ll both cherish it a bit more. No arguing or disagreements, simply enjoying each other’s company.

So, once this thought overcame me, I immediately meditated on it. I set my intention to the Universe that I will manifest my own apartment. A place closer to my job. A place I can afford where I don’t have to compromise the amenities I seek. I know this place exists and the more I have faith in the Universe, the more I can cultivate the life I want to live.


Currently, I don’t make enough money to move out, so I’ve asked the Universe to bring an extra $1000 to my income every month. Do I have any idea how this is going to manifest? No clue. All I know is that the more I believe the money is coming, the faster I will receive.

This all may sound a little woo-woo, but fuck, universal energy is such a true concept. We are all the by-product of the thoughts we think. If you believe you’re broke and can’t afford your dream life, the Universe will keep you stuck in that reality.

However, the more you open up to the idea that you control your reality, the more your dreams will unfold before your eyes.

I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to obtain this apartment, but I know the Universe is working in my favor. The money will come to me.

For most of us, we grow up fearing money. We believe there isn’t enough to go around, rich people are snobs, and we’re perfectly okay ordering off the dollar menu.

Thing is, money is fuel.


It fuels the food we eat, the places we live, the trips we take, the hobbies we enjoy, so why not let it fuel the life you want to live?


If you recognize you have some serious fear and doubts surrounding money, I highly recommend Jen Sincero’s new book You Are A Badass: At Making Money. I finally finished it this weekend and that may be why I feel so confident I can afford this new apartment.

I may only be 20 with no college degree, but you bet your ass I’m going to be able to support myself. I know this is in the cards for me. It’s this kind of faith that leads us to our truest form.

I’ll continue to update on my apartment and money situation, but I’m leaving this post here as a reference for my intention:


I will cultivate an extra $1000 a month and move into my own apartment. 


And so it is.


What would you wish for if you knew you could have anything? What if everything you wanted was right around the corner and all you need is a little faith to nudge the Universe?

I set my intention and now it is time to set yours – leave it in the comments below!

We’ll be each other’s support group and trust me, with all of our energy put together, our dreams are destined to play out. Dream big.